The Black Veined Tiger (Danaus melanippus hegesippus)

Canon 5D MkIII : ISO 1250 ; 1/2500s ; f/9 ; Tamron 180mm ; fill flashed
The Butterfly Hill on Pulau Ubin is a good place to do butterfly watching and photography. The hill has been planted with butterfly-attracting plants by NParks, and on most sunny days, a visitor will be able to see many species of butterflies fluttering amongst the flowers of the various nectaring plants at the hill. ButterflyCircle members had an outing at the Butterfly Hill last weekend and were greeted with many butterflies on the hot and humid morning.
The Black Veined Tiger (Danaus melanippus hegesippus) were out in numbers and we spotted at least 3-4 individuals flying around the flowers of Bidens alba. This shot, captured by Simon Sng, portrays the subject in a well-balanced composition where the gentle arch of the flower complements the butterfly perched comfortably as it extends its proboscis to feed.